
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

After nine months...

it's back to work.

I started work this week, by teaching two students who arrived from Lengerich (45km away). They both work for a company that builds large scale printers. The company thought the two could benefit from a week of intensive English training and they ended up with me. I had finished a couple months of teacher training, but this week I was finally able to teach. It was a good opportunity to prepare for next month where I will be teaching full time.

January 2nd I will start the contract I was hired for. I will teach with around 15 other teachers, classrooms of around 10 students. These students will arrive from all over Germany to learn what we call 'Customs English.' We will be teaching English to students who are, or will become customs officers throughout the country. We have material that is specialized to them and we will spend 120 hours per month, per group for the next six months (five total groups) teaching it.

Not everyone will know what this means, but, I am fulfilling my Quaal obligation of being a teacher.

R.I.P. Christopher Hitchens, the world will miss you.